Finite HR&IT Solutions re-engineering and migration service offering helps organisations to consolidate on fewer platforms and integrate applications more effectively. We use a tool-based approach to reengineering and migration oir client's projects and have gained an experience with a variety of tools to support specific re-engineering activities. The Tools are either sourced off-the shelf or built in-house according to the requirements. Well defined methodologies integrate the use of tools to automate re-engineering tasks such as transformation and testing leads to faster delivery schedules and greater accuracy.This may also involve migrations across platforms, databases and operating systems. Our professionals are experienced in a variety of technologies and are generally multiply skilled to be immediately deployed on cross-platform re-engineering and migration projects that help our clients transition their mission critical application and productions with great ease.
Finite HR&IT Solutions Migration & re-engineering services also help customers by transforming their legacy information systems into strategic enablers that support the growing needs of their businesses. Plus, our services can help reduce the costs of maintaining and upgrading existing applications. We offer customizable service levels to meet your organization's unique needs and goals, including coverage for different time zones. Our expertise development and support team provides you the simplest execution of re-engineering and migration services backed by exceptional delivery, strong consulting capabilities, and progressive tools and frameworks.